Hi Mindaugas,

1) write empty strings to .pot file
> Change include/hbexprb.c line #1899:
>     if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_STRING && pArg->ulLength > 0 )
> to:
>     if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_STRING )

> 2) do not write empty string to .pot file and do not show any warning:
> Change:
>     if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_STRING && pArg->ulLength > 0 )
>     {
>        if( HB_COMP_PARAM->fI18n )
> to:
>     if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_STRING )
>     {
>        if( HB_COMP_PARAM->fI18n  && pArg->ulLength > 0 )

My vote for this one (no 2). IMO empty strings may
happen in translation, but there is no point in offering
them for translation. And if we issue a warning it ruins
-es2 -w3 setup while the source is still valid. It's also
relatively easy to grep for such empty strings if someone
would like to find them.

If we chose this one, will hb_i18n_gettext() always
return an empty string without doing a lookup?

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