Hi Viktor,

Thanks for clarifying, I took a good look and it looked quite different
Well as I'm hanging down the side of the harbour for a while then I will
investigate the functions of the Harbour and I adptar for use with Harbour.
If not ask for more until they could take these explanations of Przemyslaw
that the ChangeLog and put in a file in the folder \DOC

Leonardo Machado

Szakáts Viktor wrote:
>> Hi Viktor,
>> Speaking on hb_i18n_gettext() would be put in hbcompat.ch to be
>> compatible
>> with xHarbour i18n().
> Yes, we should. I don't know xhb i18n implementation, but if someone has
> more translations I can add them.
> Actually, we might add an alias for hb_i18n_gettext() even in Harbour to
> give a short alternative, like hb_i(). If there are no objections I can
> add
> it.
>> I would like to better understand i18n if we can get the example of
>> examples
>> of the tests xharbour folder? or if you have any other example that shows
>> how to use the practice in Harbour.
> Dunno if there is a way to translate functions as-is, in Harbour we didn't
> use the xhb implementation as a base. The language file format is
> completely different and we use a more modular approach with the API.
> Check this ChangeLog entry for available functions:
> 2008-12-11 19:48 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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