Hi Massimo,

Thank you again. I did the tests, but the difference was very small. I got
tested with the RMDBFCDX xharbour.com and yes this was a good difference.
But to me does not pay to buy a license xharbour.com just because of this
option. But if anything like tivese Harbour would be ideal.

Leonardo Machado

Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
> is a test where use all ADS,DBFCDX,DBFFPT, BMDBFCDX with proper compile
> script
> So i invite made your test for better reproduce your need,
> Instead my test will help you  because you if you can't compile your
> program you can verify differences  vs  source, script
> I not use the any function  that not allow me port on different rdd
> and AFAIK this function are used automatically when possible
> SET OPTIMIZE ON |OFF over filters In the RDD that admit optimization,
> p. ej. BMDBFCDX
> 2009/4/27 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>> Hi Massimo,
>> I use to compile my hbmk2 applications.
>> One problem that the ADS has some limitations for me is that problem. How
>> to
>> access the applications by TS (Terminal Server). And to acquire a license
>> is
>> not for me. Then tests with ADS not help me when I am looking for other
>> solutions such as BMDBFCDX. What I would like to know is how to use the
>> special functions of BMDBFCDX as:
>> BM_Turbo()
>> BM_DbGetFilterArray() => aFilterRec
>> BM_DbSetFilterArray( aFilterRec )
>> BM_DbSetFilterArrayAdd( aFilterRec )
>> BM_DbSetFilterArrayDel( aFilterRe )
>> Leonardo Machado
>> Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
>>> have you use hbmk2 for compile?
>>> I suggest you made a simple test where you recreate a db and test
>>> setfilter performance
>>> follow a sample of idea
>>> hbmk2 dbt.prg hbbmcdx.lib ace32.lib rddads.lib
>>> request DBFFPT
>>> FUNCTION MAIN(x_rdd)
>>>   rddsetdefault( x_rdd )
>>> aDbf := {}
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FN", "N", 10, 0 } )
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FNF", "N", 12, 4 } )
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FC", "C", 40, 0 } )
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FD", "D", 8, 0 } )
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FL", "L", 1, 0 } )
>>> AADD( aDbf, { "FM", "M", 0, 0 } )
>>> dbCreate("dbtest",aDbf)
>>> USE dbtest EXCLUSIVE
>>> index on fc + str(fn,10,0) to DBtest_i1
>>> for i = 1 to 30000
>>>         if mod(i,1000) = 0
>>>                 // @ 0, 0 SAY i
>>>         endif
>>>         append blank
>>>         replace fn with INT(sin(i)*i)
>>>         replace fnf with sin(i)*i
>>>         replace fc with replicate( CHR(65+INT(ABS(sin(i)*25)) ), 40 )
>>>         replace fd with date() + MOD(INT(sin(i)*i),10000)
>>>         replace fl with IIF( SIN(i) >= 0, .T., .F. )
>>> next
>>> x_timer=timer()
>>> set filter to fc=replicate( CHR(65+INT(ABS(sin(100)*25)) ), 40 )
>>> go top
>>> do while .not. eof()
>>>   skip
>>> enddo
>>> x_timer=x_timer-tiner()
>>> ?? x_timer
>>> function sin
>>>    // V=VAL(STR(V))
>>>    return (X_vALORE - INT(X_VALORE/6.28)*6.28 - 3.14)/3.14
>>> 2009/4/26 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>>>> Hello Massimo,
>>>> Even took a look at the ADS, but it is not 100% free, and have
>>>> different
>>>> types of clients where I have to buy a license for ADS.
>>>> I tried to compile with BCC using RMDBFCDX Harbour and gave the
>>>> following
>>>> error:
>>>> Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_RMDBFCDX' referenced from
>>>> Already with BMDBFCDX not the error, but not noticed differences in
>>>> performance when using filters of the type SET FILTER TO
>>>> Leonardo Machado
>>>> Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
>>>>> set filter optimised is strong for clipper application
>>>>> basically you haven't any sample because simply you must create some
>>>>> index on table then you made a set filter that instead read entire dbf
>>>>> read only same part
>>>>> You can use This technologies RMDBFCDX , BMDBFCDX
>>>>> you can also try rddads that use sybase advantage data server or only
>>>>> the free/local version
>>>>> 2009/4/26 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>>>>>> Hello to all,
>>>>>> Somebody would have some practical examples of using the LIB
>>>>>> I need to filter using a turbine in the DBF. The Harbor has something
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> RMDBFCDX of xHarbour Commercial.
>>>>>> Note: At various points in my system already use ORDSCOPE () but in
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> points have to do the filter and the active filter have to change the
>>>>>> order
>>>>>> of display, then the ORDSCOPE () clean the filter when using a
>>>>>> ()
>>>>>> in ORDSCOPE a filter (), in case I'm using SET FILTER TO, but this
>>>>>> filter
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> known to many records is slow and this is where I want to give a
>>>>>> better
>>>>>> optimized.
>>>>>> Leonardo Machado
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context:
>>>>>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-optimize-filters-with-DBFCDX--tp23244059p23244059.html
>>>>>> Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>>>>> Massimo Belgrano
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>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-optimize-filters-with-DBFCDX--tp23244059p23247160.html
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>>> --
>>> Massimo Belgrano
>>> Analisi e sviluppo software per Lan e Web - Consulenza informatica -
>>> Formazione
>>> Delta Informatica S.r.l. http://www.deltain.it/   +39 0321 455962
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>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-optimize-filters-with-DBFCDX--tp23244059p23247979.html
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