Hi Massimo,

I use to compile my hbmk2 applications.
One problem that the ADS has some limitations for me is that problem. How to
access the applications by TS (Terminal Server). And to acquire a license is
not for me. Then tests with ADS not help me when I am looking for other
solutions such as BMDBFCDX. What I would like to know is how to use the
special functions of BMDBFCDX as:

BM_DbGetFilterArray() => aFilterRec
BM_DbSetFilterArray( aFilterRec )
BM_DbSetFilterArrayAdd( aFilterRec )
BM_DbSetFilterArrayDel( aFilterRe )

Leonardo Machado

Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
> have you use hbmk2 for compile?
> I suggest you made a simple test where you recreate a db and test
> setfilter performance
> follow a sample of idea
> hbmk2 dbt.prg hbbmcdx.lib ace32.lib rddads.lib
> request DBFFPT
>   rddsetdefault( x_rdd )
> aDbf := {}
> AADD( aDbf, { "FN", "N", 10, 0 } )
> AADD( aDbf, { "FNF", "N", 12, 4 } )
> AADD( aDbf, { "FC", "C", 40, 0 } )
> AADD( aDbf, { "FD", "D", 8, 0 } )
> AADD( aDbf, { "FL", "L", 1, 0 } )
> AADD( aDbf, { "FM", "M", 0, 0 } )
> dbCreate("dbtest",aDbf)
> index on fc + str(fn,10,0) to DBtest_i1
> for i = 1 to 30000
>         if mod(i,1000) = 0
>                 // @ 0, 0 SAY i
>         endif
>         append blank
>         replace fn with INT(sin(i)*i)
>         replace fnf with sin(i)*i
>         replace fc with replicate( CHR(65+INT(ABS(sin(i)*25)) ), 40 )
>         replace fd with date() + MOD(INT(sin(i)*i),10000)
>         replace fl with IIF( SIN(i) >= 0, .T., .F. )
> next
> x_timer=timer()
> set filter to fc=replicate( CHR(65+INT(ABS(sin(100)*25)) ), 40 )
> go top
> do while .not. eof()
>   skip
> enddo
> x_timer=x_timer-tiner()
> ?? x_timer
> function sin
>    // V=VAL(STR(V))
>    return (X_vALORE - INT(X_VALORE/6.28)*6.28 - 3.14)/3.14
> 2009/4/26 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>> Hello Massimo,
>> Even took a look at the ADS, but it is not 100% free, and have different
>> types of clients where I have to buy a license for ADS.
>> I tried to compile with BCC using RMDBFCDX Harbour and gave the following
>> error:
>> Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_RMDBFCDX' referenced from
>> Already with BMDBFCDX not the error, but not noticed differences in
>> performance when using filters of the type SET FILTER TO
>> Leonardo Machado
>> Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
>>> set filter optimised is strong for clipper application
>>> basically you haven't any sample because simply you must create some
>>> index on table then you made a set filter that instead read entire dbf
>>> read only same part
>>> You can use This technologies RMDBFCDX , BMDBFCDX
>>> you can also try rddads that use sybase advantage data server or only
>>> the free/local version
>>> 2009/4/26 sygecom <leona...@sygecom.com.br>:
>>>> Hello to all,
>>>> Somebody would have some practical examples of using the LIB
>>>> I need to filter using a turbine in the DBF. The Harbor has something
>>>> to
>>>> RMDBFCDX of xHarbour Commercial.
>>>> Note: At various points in my system already use ORDSCOPE () but in
>>>> some
>>>> points have to do the filter and the active filter have to change the
>>>> order
>>>> of display, then the ORDSCOPE () clean the filter when using a
>>>> ()
>>>> in ORDSCOPE a filter (), in case I'm using SET FILTER TO, but this
>>>> filter
>>>> is
>>>> known to many records is slow and this is where I want to give a better
>>>> optimized.
>>>> Leonardo Machado
>>>> --
>>>> View this message in context:
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-optimize-filters-with-DBFCDX--tp23244059p23244059.html
>>>> Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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>>> Massimo Belgrano
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>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-to-optimize-filters-with-DBFCDX--tp23244059p23247160.html
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> -- 
> Massimo Belgrano
> Analisi e sviluppo software per Lan e Web - Consulenza informatica -
> Formazione
> Delta Informatica S.r.l. http://www.deltain.it/   +39 0321 455962
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