Perfect. To make this (HB_GTI_ICON or HB_GTI_ICONMEM) more universal, we should add similar support for GTWVT. [ GTXWC doesn't have any support for system icon ATM. ] Dunno if this is supported on Windows, and how, but it'd be useful.
[ ideally we should solve the different formats (ICO/PNG) too. ] Brgds, Viktor On 2009.04.27., at 17:03, Vailton Renato wrote:
It would be something like this? API_ICON_CREATE( oDlg:hWnd, memoread("M III.png" ) ) HB_FUNC( API_ICON_CREATE ) { QMainWindow *pWidget = static_cast<QMainWindow *>(hb_parptr(1)); if (!pWidget) return; QImage pImage; pImage.loadFromData( (unsigned char *) hb_parc(2), (int) hb_parclen(2), "PNG" ); QLabel *pLabel= new QLabel(pWidget); pLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(pImage)); pLabel->adjustSize(); pLabel->show(); pWidget->adjustSize(); } _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list
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