On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
>> It should show if hOut is using blocking IO or not.
>> BTW PIPEs without blocking IO are usually very hard to use so if they are
>> not blocking calling process in windows we should try to fix it.
> It prints:
> =======================================
> C:\cawi32\sample\test>test152.exe
> process open
> read[line 1]
> read[line 2]
> read[line 3]
> read[line 4]
> read[line 5]
> read[EOF]
> nLen = 0 -> process finished with exit code:         57
> =======================================
> So, I guess, everything is OK with Windows pipes.

Yes it is. These are expected results, the same as in *nixes and I hope
in OS2.

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