Hi Leonardo, It worked, now compiled the example of A. PRG SAMPLES folder and compiled my > system too, but this opens a screen behind the MS-DOS system. I had already > seen a hint to avoid this screen but do not remember how to proceed, you > have any tips to eliminate this black screen MS-DOS that opening with my > application?
Try with -gtgui switch. For some reason though (I've checked and hwgui lib requests gtnul), for me all hwgui samples work without it with recent default Harbour build and latest hwgui CVS: > bcc55 C:\harbour-11\bin\hbmk2 -IC:\work\hwgui\include -LC:\work\hwgui\lib hwgui.hbp grid_5.prg You can find hwgui.hbp in utils/hbmk2/example dir. Brgds, Viktor
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