Hi Leonardo,

> I'm trying to compile as you said, I want to inform the LIB, which builds
> up
> until the end but when I open the system he's a GPF to start.
> Since the same system using hbmake.exe of xharbour it compiles without
> problems both with the version 1.0.0 as the latest version 1.2.0.
> What I find is that this hbmk2.exe linking several LIB I'm not telling.
> Below I am trying to compile for last:
> FILE sagi.hbp
> libpaths=d:\devel\hb-bcc\lib [ autodetected, not needed ]
> libs=hbpcre hbvm hbmisc hbrtl gtgui hbpp hblang hbmacro hbcommon hbcpage
> hbrdd rddntx rddcdx rddfpt hwgui procmisc hbmzip hbziparc hbct hbtip hbwin
> xhb version [ dangerous and unnecessary to supply Harbour system libs. ]
> gt=gtgui
> gui=yes
> mt=no [ default ]
> nulrdd=no [ default ]
> debug=no [ default ]
> map=no [ default ]
> run=no [ default ]
> comp=bcc [ it's not a valid .hbp command ]
> autodetect=no [ it's not a valid .hbp command ]

Most of the lines here aren't need, some of them aren't working, and the
rest is setting the default (see my comment above). First please try with
this minimal version:
--- sagi.hbp
libs=hwgui procmisc hbmzip hbziparc hbct hbtip hbwin version

hbmk2 tries to make life simple, so it will automatically add Harbour
libraries for you, this is normal and shouldn't cause breakage for
Harbour apps. You don't need to deal with these libs when using hbmk2,
except for contribs and 3rd party ones.

hbmk: Linker script:
> -Gn -C -ap -Tpe -Ld:\devel\hb-bcc\lib   c0d32.obj win\bcc\SAGI.obj
> win\bcc\ATUALIZA.obj win\bcc\BALANCAS.obj win\bcc\BALV_LIQUIDO.obj
> win\bcc\BAL_LIQUIDO.obj win\bcc\BRUTO_ENT.obj win\bcc\BRUTO_SAI.obj
> win\bcc\CADASTROS.obj win\bcc\CLIENTES.obj win\bcc\TABELAS.obj
> win\bcc\ESTOQUE_GUI.obj win\bcc\FINANCE_ESTORNO.obj win\bcc\FINANCE_GUI.obj
> win\bcc\FINANCE_PGTO_BOL.obj win\bcc\FINANCE_PGTO_BOL2.obj
> win\bcc\FINANCE_PGTO_BOLV.obj win\bcc\FOLHA_GUI.obj win\bcc\HB_PORTAS.obj
> win\bcc\PESQUISAS.obj win\bcc\RELATORIOS.obj win\bcc\RELATORIOS2.obj
> win\bcc\REL_GUI.obj win\bcc\ROTINA.obj win\bcc\UTEIS.obj
> win\bcc\SYGECOM.obj
> win\bcc\TRANSP_GUI.obj win\bcc\USUARIOS.obj win\bcc\SINTEGRA.obj
> win\bcc\hbmk_0qcaqs.obj, SAGI.exe, nul, cw32mt.lib hbcpage.lib hblang.lib
> hbcommon.lib hbcplr.lib hbdebug.lib hbvm.lib hbrdd.lib hbusrrdd.lib
> hbuddall.lib hbhsx.lib hbsix.lib rddntx.lib rddnsx.lib rddcdx.lib
> rddfpt.lib
> hbrtl.lib hbpp.lib hbmacro.lib hbextern.lib gtcgi.lib gtpca.lib gtstd.lib
> gtwin.lib gtwvt.lib gtgui.lib hbpcre.lib hbzlib.lib hbpcre.lib hbvm.lib
> hbmisc.lib hbrtl.lib gtgui.lib hbpp.lib hblang.lib hbmacro.lib hbcommon.lib
> hbcpage.lib hbrdd.lib rddntx.lib rddcdx.lib rddfpt.lib hwgui.lib
> procmisc.lib hbmzip.lib hbziparc.lib hbct.lib hbtip.lib hbwin.lib xhb.lib
> version.lib import32.lib,, win\bcc\sagi.res
> Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
> I'm trying to compile using the SVN version compiled days 04/13/2009 at
> 12:53 ( Harbour 1.1.0Dev (Rev. 10777) )

Current rev is 10855 and -inc is only supported since yesterday,
if you can, update your version and rebuild, you seem to be using
a mixture of different Harbour versions.

> If you compile a sample of the pulp samples hwgui the same thing happens, I
> tried to compile the example \hwgui\samples\all\a.prg using the command
> below:
> hbmk2 -l hwgui.lib -l procmisc.lib a.prg
> He creates the executable file A. EXE, but when it will open the executable
> of a GPF.

-l and libname shouldn't have a space in between, .lib extension is also not
hbmk2 -lhwgui -lprocmisc a.prg
(anyhow these libs are already specified in the .hbp file,
so there is no need to pass them on the command line)

I'll commit a few fixes for bcc targeting your GPF, but I have
to make some tests first.

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