Gtxwc is the pair of gtwvt. Both plat spec, both core & compatible with each other. I'm not "fire" at anyone in any personal sense, but a release is unlikely with current approach.
On 3/26/09, Massimo Belgrano <> wrote: > 2009/3/26 Viktor Szakáts <>: >>> In my opinion gtwvt will be very useful for harbour user in windows 32 >> >>> >>> xbase++ class & gtwvw is also a important bridge for Xbase developer >>> and xharbour+gtwvw >>> No support for ,windows ce,windows 64,linux but maybe wine >>> similar situation to gtxwc,gtwvw >> >> Let's not confuse things, gtxwc is the pair of gtwvt. Doesn't >> have anything to do with this topic. > gtxwc have one platform supported (linux) > (so imo is related to this topics) > If the rule for exist is related to number of platform supported > gtwvg and gtxwc must be is same (irregolar) situation > >> >>> >>> a documentation will help user undestrand the non portable library >> >> Notice that it needs a huge amount of maintenance. gtwvg, >> just like lots of other Windows specific libs (MiniGUI, HMG) >> could well live outside our repository. In Harbour we have >> certain rules to operate and we have a certain amount of >> resources, gtwvg cannot comply with the rules and consumes >> more resources than we have. >> I think we should focus on QT. We certainly cannot focus on both. > > Afaik Pripal is main maintainer for this library and this will be > sufficent for a contrib lib > > but why you fire on everybody today? > > -- > Massimo Belgrano > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list