
What I don't understand, is why should 3rd party lib,
or wrapper functions to such lib should be the concern
of CORE Harbour?

I am NOT talking about:
1) Not helping such external library dev team.
2) Not fixing bugs.
3) Missing API issues.

(I might not explain myself very good with all this double negative
try to bear with my English)

Each person here is of course free to do as he/she likes,
I'm talking about the direction and goal of the project as whole.

Why it is the job of Harbour to supply make files for any external lib
or add-on?

For ME, any contrib part that rely on external resource in order to run
which is not part of the accepted standard OS and C compiler,
should not be included as part of the Harbour SVN tree, and should
be maintained elsewhere.


Hmm, sorry I'm talking too much again.
In practice there are less than 6 people here that actively write code
here, I'm not one of them so I probably should not tell you what to
do. I'm not even a Harbour user, and stopped using Clipper 7-8 year
ago, so I'm not even qualify as a user.

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