On Sat, 14 Mar 2009, Phil Barnett wrote:


> The exception was never about the compiler itself. It is all about users 
> wishing to create proprietary code executables with GPL code built into it. 
> The exception is for the users of the compiler, not the compiler itself.

I know though some part of compiler code has the exception. F.e. all files
with my own code I added myself. I made it intentionally.
I'm talking only about pure compiler code in the hbcplr library.
Now it's possible to integrate compiler with final binaries.
HBRUN is example of such program.
I would like to change the compiler (to be precise hbcplr library) license
to LGPL if other developers agree or at least I would like to hear which
of them agree for such modification to know which part of compiler I will
have to rewrite from scratch .I plan some serious modification in longer
terms and such knowledge will help me.
I would like to open for Harbour users using hbcplr library as some type
script language in commercial closed source applications.

> Even the simplest compile and link of Harbour brings in GPL code. Without 
> the exception, there is no way to distribute a proprietary executable 
> legally.

Yes, when we are talking about GPL which is more restrictive then LGPL.
For me LGPL is quite good license also for commercial closed source software.
But I do not want to change other Harbour libraries license. I'm interesting
only in compiler library for which I'd prefer LGPL then GPL or GPL + Harbour
I hope that I'm clear now.

best regards,
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