Hi Chen,

> There is one "[install] Error 1 (ignored)" during install (I install to the
> same source and
> all the include files can't be copy into themselves, I guess its Ok).
> I wonder if its possible to pacify all the "Warning: 'object' not found in
> library"
> warnings by deleting the library if it already exists and using "+" instead
> of "-+"
> to add the object files to the library (it was done this way in
> make_b32.mak
> in the "LIBRARY Targets BUILDS rules" section).

This would unfortunately break incremental builds.

--- using '+' only on existing .lib:
Warning: 'hbarch' already in LIB, not changed!

Maybe replacing 'define lib_object' in bcc.cf with this,
could solve the problem (with slight speed penalty),
but I didn't test:
define lib_object
if     exist $(subst /,\,$(LIB_DIR)/$@) echo -+$(subst /,\,$(file)) ^& >>
if not exist $(subst /,\,$(LIB_DIR)/$@) echo +$(subst /,\,$(file)) ^& >>


> Also, since all EXE used to created in one place, it was easy to copy
> all the *.TDS files (debug information) from bin\b32 into bin, now I have
> to copy each file.
> Oh, well, have to live with progress. I'll modify my local files to copy
> the
> harbour.cgi files to that directory before the build start, and then copy
> all
> the TDS files to their location as needed.

Just like Ryszard did it for libs, it would be probably possible to create
executables in bin/<arch>/<comp>/.

I hope someone can make this modification, as it would indeed make life
easier in certain situations.

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