Using ChangeLog 2009-02-28 15:51 UTC-0800 Pritpal Bedi (rev 10491), WinNT 4.0 and C++Builder 5.0 (my standard Harbour environment)
Everything works with the non-GNU make wich use make_b32.mak and common.mak, but with the new make_b32.bat which uses the GNU make (I put mingw32-make.exe 3.81 in the root of the Harbour source), I get the following: ----------------------------- The input line is too long. mingw32-make.exe[3]: *** [hbrtl.lib] Error 255 mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2 mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [rtl] Error 2 mingw32-make.exe: *** [source] Error 2 ----------------------------- The last lines in the log are: ----------------------------- bcc32.exe -I. -I../../../../include -4 -O2 -OS -Ov -Oi -Oc -q -d -Q -w -w-sig- -tWM -c wait.c -owait.obj wait.c: tlib.exe "..\..\..\..\lib\win\bcc32\hbrtl.lib" -+abs.obj -+accept.obj -+ampm.obj -+at.obj -+binnum.obj -+binnumx.obj -+box.obj -+cdpapi.obj -+chrasc.obj -+colorind.obj -+console.obj -+copyfile.obj -+datec.obj -+dates.obj -+dateshb.obj -+datesx.obj -+defpath.obj -+defpathu.obj -+descend.obj -+dirdrive.obj -+direct.obj -+diskspac.obj -+disksphb.obj -+do.obj -+empty.obj -+errorapi.obj -+errorapu.obj -+errorint.obj -+file.obj -+filebuf.obj -+filehb.obj -+filesys.obj -+fkmax.obj -+fmhb.obj -+fnsplit.obj -+fscopy.obj -+fserror.obj -+fssize.obj -+fstemp.obj -+gete.obj -+gt.obj -+gtapi.obj -+gtchrmap.obj -+gtclip.obj -+gtfunc.obj -+gtkbstat.obj -+gtkeycod.obj -+gtsys.obj -+gttone.obj -+gx.obj -+hardcr.obj -+hbadler.obj -+hbbit.obj -+hbcrc.obj -+hbhex.obj -+hbmd5.obj -+hbntos.obj -+hbffind.obj -+hbfile.obj -+hbgtcore.obj -+hbi18n1.obj -+hbinet.obj -+hbproces.obj -+hbprocfn.obj -+hbrandom.obj -+hbregex.obj -+hbregexc.obj -+hbrunfun.obj -+hbstrsh.obj -+hbtoken.obj -+hbzlib.obj -+idle.obj -+inkey.obj -+inkeyapi.obj -+is.obj -+isprint.obj -+itemseri.obj -+langapi.obj -+left.obj -+len.obj -+lennum.obj -+math.obj -+maxrow.obj -+memofile.obj -+minmax.obj -+mlcfunc.obj -+mod.obj -+mouse53.obj -+mouseapi.obj -+mousehb.obj -+mousex.obj -+mtran.obj -+natmsg.obj -+natmsgu.obj -+net.obj -+oemansi.obj -+oemansix.obj -+oldbox.obj -+oldclear.obj -+pad.obj -+padc.obj -+padl.obj -+padr.obj -+philes.obj -+philes53.obj -+philesx.obj -+rat.obj -+replic.obj -+right.obj -+round.obj -+run.obj -+samples.obj -+saverest.obj -+scroll.obj -+scrrow.obj -+secondfs.obj -+seconds.obj -+setcolor.obj -+setcurs.obj -+setkey.obj -+setpos.obj -+setposbs.obj -+shadow.obj -+shadowu.obj -+soundex.obj -+space.obj -+spfiles.obj -+str.obj -+strc.obj -+strcase.obj -+strmatch.obj -+strpeek.obj -+strtoexp.obj -+strtran.obj -+strxor.obj -+strzero.obj -+stuff.obj -+substr.obj -+tone.obj -+trace.obj -+transfrm.obj -+trim.obj -+tscalara.obj -+tscalarb.obj -+tscalarc.obj -+tscalard.obj -+tscalarh.obj -+tscalarl.obj -+tscalarn.obj -+tscalarp.obj -+tscalars.obj -+tscalaru.obj -+type.obj -+val.obj -+valtostr.obj -+valtype.obj -+version.obj -+word.obj -+xhelp.obj -+xsavescr.obj -+achoice.obj -+adir.obj -+alert.obj -+altd.obj -+browdb.obj -+browdbx.obj -+browse.obj -+checkbox.obj -+color53.obj -+dbedit.obj -+devoutp.obj -+dircmd.obj -+dirscan.obj -+einstv52.obj -+einstvar.obj -+einstvau.obj -+errorsys.obj -+fieldbl.obj -+getlist.obj -+getsys.obj -+getsys53.obj -+gui.obj -+hbi18n2.obj -+hbini.obj -+input.obj -+listbox.obj -+memoedit.obj -+memvarbl.obj -+menuto.obj -+menusys.obj -+objfunc.obj -+perfuncs.obj -+profiler.obj -+pushbtn.obj -+radiobtn.obj -+radiogrp.obj -+readkey.obj -+readvar.obj -+scrollbr.obj -+setfunc.obj -+setta.obj -+tclass.obj -+tbcolumn.obj -+tbrowse.obj -+tbrowsys.obj -+teditor.obj -+text.obj -+tget.obj -+tgetint.obj -+tgetlist.obj -+tgetx.obj -+thfuncx.obj -+tlabel.obj -+tmenuitm.obj -+tmenusys.obj -+tobject.obj -+tpersist.obj -+tpopup.obj -+treport.obj -+tscalar.obj -+tsymbol.obj -+ttextlin.obj -+tthreadx.obj -+ttopbar.obj -+typefile.obj -+typefilx.obj -+valtoexp.obj -+wait.obj,, mingw32-make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `E:/hrb/source/rtl/win/bcc32' mingw32-make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `E:/hrb/source/rtl' mingw32-make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `E:/hrb/source' ----------------------------- tlib.exe is TLIB 4.5 from C++Builder 5.0 which is working just fine in the non-GNU batch. Try it both from CMD.exe and the same error. the non-GNU make create a temp file to store the obj files needed for the lib and not pass them in one huge like: tlib.exe "lib\b32\hbrtl.lib" /P64 @MAKE0007.@@@ Chen._______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list