> If you have a solution also for bcc,open watcom,msvcce i can try

Not right, this is ok (generally speaking mingw must be before the compiler
in PATH):

cd \harbour
call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
set PATH=c:\devl\mingw32-make;%PATH%
set HB_COMPILER=msvc
set SHLVL=
make install -r

not made a clean?

I assume everyone can make such trivial modifications
on these posted script. We have millions of options for
a reason. I cut these from some temp scripts and clean
was left out at that moment, generally though a clean is
a must for proper build. For core development it would
kill the day, at least on my old CPU.

For bcc, owatcom, etc, just replace the MSVC setup line
with the setup needed for the other compiler and adjust
HB_COMPILER accordingly. That's all.

> is not required SET HB_VISUALC_VER=90 ?

No. It's the default. For older you need to set HB_VISUAL_VER_PRE80.

BTW, I've checked now, and you don't even need
HB_VISUALC_VER=90 for non-GNU make, since I've
made it the default last year. You should only use it
for pre-8.0 (non-free) MSVC versions.

> i not found gtwvg.lib probably because it not make contrib?
> can i specify contrib like SET HB_DIR_ADS=C:?

You can, but I have to look into contribs with external
dependencies, they aren't detected properly with
GNU-make in cmd mode. Please note you have to use the
HB_INC_* envvars (HB_INC_ADS in this case) and point
them to the header directory directly. Import libs also won't
be created, this may be an inconvenience, mainly for BCC
users creating local builds.

Strange gtwvg didn't build for you, it should have, for me
it did. Post the relevant part of the .log file.

> only very a little problem hbmake recompiled Error: Can't find harbour.cfg
> file in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE but not
> wasting time about it for me is unnecessary....

Never needed, never used harbour.cfg, I think it's an unnecessary
feature now having hbmk (script or prg). We should remove it once
the new superior methods have matured. hbmake uses it, but does
it totally wrongly, so forgive me to not go into it any deeper.

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