On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>wrote:

> For most MinGW distributions make is now called mingw-make.exe in the
> MinGW dir, so putting MinGW bin dir into PATH for make.exe
> isn't a safe method. If you intend to use multiple compilers on your
> machine I wouldn't recommend putting any compiler package in your
> default PATH anyway. Compiler don't mix well, and such can cause
> various errors, not just in Harbour.
> On non-*nix systems it's best to have GNU-make copied into some
> general batch/tools/util dir by the name of make.exe, and put this
> into the PATH (chances are high it's already there). The recent
> MinGW build of make.exe seems to work fine, it's version 3.81,
> you can check with 'make --version'.

One more note here: Latter can also cause problems, f.e. for Borland,
which has its own make.exe, you have to make sure to setup your
compilers into the PATH in proper order, or always explicitly add
GNU make.exe to your path, instead of putting it into the default dir.
Maybe I'll do that locally to have a clear situation.

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