Ops... the correct link to "Legal notes" is

2009/2/15 Vailton Renato <vail...@gmail.com>:
> The Harbour's site has new layout. I have update the ftp with the
> changes what we reviewed here in the list.
> Some points to highlight:
> * If you're missing some information on page 'Crew list' please send
> me again because I probably would have deleted or lost. :S
> * On the page of samples lack a text to put in the "How to compile the
> samples ON WINDOWS.
> http://www.harbour-project.org/samples/HowToBuildOnWindows.html
> This link is disabled because I'm unable to write any text to put
> there .. (Massimo could help me with this?)
> * In my opinion there are missing the pages "Tutorials & Articles" and
> "Auxiliar Tools"
> * The site need more examples updated and comprehensive but we can
> adjust it later.
> * I would also like to know how was the speed of loading of pages on the site.
> * It needs to be revised the text of the page "Legal notes"
> (http://www.harbour-project.com.br/legalnotes.html) because I'm not
> sure if the text is correct,due to my poor English.
> I await comments.
> Vailton Renato

Vailton Renato
SQL LIB, MyMake & xDev Developer
Harbour mailing list

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