On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:

Hi Enrico,

> Ok. The following sample:
> #define ES_PASSWORD 32
> #define ES_PASSWORD 32
> shows:
> Warning W0001  Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define ES_PASSWORD
> that's perfectly correct. But the compilation is aborted using the 
> following compiler switches:
> SET HARBOURCMD=/a /es2 /gc0 /m /n /q /w
> How can I instruct the compiler to continue the compilation for this 
> particular kind of warning? In xHarbour I use
> /w2 /wb-

You are wrong. You cannot disable above warning in xHarbour using -wb-
switch. The warning will still exists. Just try.
-wb- in xHarbour only disables warnings for unused clodeblock local

So this example only illustrates xHarbour bug. Just simply many of
warnings does not interrupt compilation even when -es2 switch is used.
In short words -es2 does not work correctly in xHarbour. You can find
also many other warnings which ignores -es2 switch in xHarbour.
When -es2 switch is used then warnings should interrupt compilation
like errors. It does not work in xHarbour so you should report above
to xHarbour devel list as bug.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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