> Yes. You should put #define HB_OS_WIN_USED before any
>> Harbour headers. At the same time you should remove the
>> #include <windows.h> line from your source file.
> I can't remove
> #include "windows.h"
> (please note, not
> #include <windows.h>
> as it isn't a C standard header file)

Sorry, this is wrong, on Windows, windows.h is part of the
system and <> has be used for all Windows headers.
You should use "" when referring to your own headers
or 3rd party headers not part of the system (where system
can be the OS or the compiler, but I'm probably using
sloppy terminology here). <> tells the compiler to first
look for the headers in default system locations, and
look in -I dirs and local dir only after that.

Some Windows headers are double #included.
> Yes, but was working fine before.

Only HB_OS_WIN_32 has been changed to HB_OS_WIN,
and HB_OS_WIN_32_USED has been changed to HB_OS_WIN_USED.

And, again, old method should work by default, I've just
recompiled older hbwhat sources, and it went without errors.

If everything else fails, just do this replacement in your
code and headers, and retry. This did the job for all
Windows dependent parts of Harbour.

Maybe your code does something special, not found in
Harbour, but it's difficult to guess exactly what. Or maybe
some other recently changed build settings are effecting
you, pls also see these:

2009-02-06 23:47 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)
2009-02-04 23:04 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu)

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