Hi Phil,

> Again, our other, much simpler and consistent option is to simply swap the
>> manual mails to automated ones, with no change on any parties side.
> Ok, that was a very coherent discussion that adds meaning that you were not
> conveying before. Thank you.
> Earlier, it was requested to increase the limit of file attachments on this
> list to 150K. I was under the impression that change was to facilitate these
> new emails.
> Is this not the case? If not, then why are we raising the limit?

No we don't need to, I've written in my previous e-mail that increasing
is not necessary, since we will be using short (without diffs)
as this seems to be the preferred form here on the list. Short
are just a few lines longer than current ChangeLog mails.

These short commit notifications are now being sent to

[ For _diffed_ notifications, we may add a separate list if there will be
demand for it in the future. I've set this up for myself, and I like it very
much. ]

Harbour mailing list

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