Przemyslaw, David,

David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:
> We can ignore -5[r], -fp5, -6[r], -fp6
I did some tests this morning, passing from no options to -6r -6fp changes
speedtst ST time from 16.8 to 16.6 seconds, so they're worth nothing.

> You are missing -bm for MT
I've not used it and everything works ok, so maybe it is not needed.

> For OS/2 is 128*1024=131,072
> I am not sure if using -sg it start with 4K and is growing but with
> stack  option limit, for threads except 1
> Entire page info for -sg are below
Yes, it is in the doc you sent :)

Stack starts at 4Kb and tops at 128Kb growing in 4Kb chunks (the same is true
for OS/2 and win32).

Thread 1 stack size is fixed on OS/2 and grows on Win32.

> ====>  Now run without GPF, BUT extremaly slow
> Sometimes it seem freezed for very long time

Maybe because it uses more than 32 threads? See your docs:

> There is no limit to the number of threads an application can create
> under Win32 platforms.
> There is a limit to the number of threads an application can create
> under 16-bit OS/2 and 32-bit NetWare.  The default limit is 32.  This
> limit can be adjusted by statically initializing the unsigned global
> variable __MaxThreads.
> Under 32-bit OS/2, there is no limit to the number of threads an
> application can create.  However, due to the way in which multiple
> threads are supported in the Watcom libraries, there is a small
> performance penalty once the number of threads exceeds the default limit
> of 32 (this number includes the initial thread).  If you are creating
> more than 32 threads and wish to avoid this performance penalty, you can
> redefine the threshold value of 32.  You can statically initialize the
> global variable __MaxThreads.

Anyway, the good thing is that openwatcom has a full blown debugger and it
works ok :)

Best regards.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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