On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, Pritpal Bedi wrote:

Hi Pritpal,

> No, not exactly. 
> So to check if above protocol works I did some tests.
> hb_gtSelect( pGT ) swaps the current GT with pGT and this is 
> what I do not want. I just need to set/get a parameter of
> another window ( GT ) from another threaded window ( GT ) and
> when I issue hb_gtSelect() appln simply hangs.

Then you have a problem with your code or with GTWVG which should
be fixed. Swapping GT does not hang Harbour code.

> I knew this side effect and hence this is why I had reqested
> another way to manage different GTs from different threads.
> Hope I am clear now.

I do not think that separate function which will not swap GT
will help you in any way. If your application hangs then it's
probably caused by sending some blocking messages (directly
on indirectly in other Win API functions) to windows assigned
to different thread.
Swapping GT is fully done at Harbour level and does not touch
low level GT code at all so it should be invisible for your
code and you should look for the problem in different place.
BTW introducing .prg code like pNotifierBlock to low level GT
internals forces GT swapping because it's necessary to set valid
GT context so without it .prg code will not know on which GT
it should operate. It's yet another problem caused by this

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