On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:

Hi David,

> Do you have answer about this ?

But was it the question?

> I do not know if it is what you are looking for
> I found in different places of documentation included in OW
> ---------
>  The macro _threadid can be used to determine the current thread
> identifier.
> ---------
> The _threadid macro can be used to determine the current thread
> identifier.  It is defined as follows.
>      int *__threadid(void);
>      #define _threadid (__threadid())
> The header file stddef.h contains the definition of the _threadid macro.
> ---------
> _threadid
> Prototype in <stddef.h>.
> This variable/function may be used to obtain the id of the current
> thread which is an int.  In the 32-bit libraries,  _threadid is a
> function that returns a pointer to an int.  In the 16-bit libraries,
> _threadid is a far pointer to an int.  Note that the value stored where
>  _threadid points does not necessarily change when a thread context
> switch occurs (so do not make a copy of the pointer ...  it may change).
>  To obtain the current thread identifier, simply code:
>      int tid = *_threadid;
> -------------
> So I tried in source\vm\thread.c
> ---------------
> #if defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
> #include <stddef.h>       <---- David was here !
> ULONG _hb_gettid( void )
> {
>    ULONG tid = 0;
>    PTIB  ptib = NULL;
>    printf( "_hb_gettid()\r\n", tid ); fflush(stdout);
> /*       <---- David was here !
>    if( DosGetInfoBlocks( &ptib, NULL ) == NO_ERROR )
>    {
>       if( ! ptib )
>          { printf( "ptib is NULL\r\n" ); fflush(stdout); }
>       else if( !ptib->tib_ptib2 )
>          { printf( "ptib->tib_ptib2 is NULL\r\n" ); fflush(stdout); }
>       else
>          tid = ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid;
>    }
> */
>    tid = *_threadid;         <---- David was here !
>    printf( "TID=%lu\r\n", tid ); fflush(stdout);
>    return tid;
> }
> #endif
> ---------------
> and mttest02.exe result with values TID=1, 2
> ---------------
> [...]
> _hb_gettid()
> TID=1
> 1. hb_threadMutexLock()
> _hb_gettid()
> TID=2
> [...]
> ---------------
> So if _threadid is useful giving same value as GCC _gettid(), then
> _hb_gettid() can be discarded and use in harbour\include\hbthread.h:

Yes, thanks for information. We can use it but it will not change
too much for us with the exception that it will force using _beginthread()
because __threadid() in OW returns pointer to member of structure
initialized inside _beginthread().
I was asking about OS2 API call to not introduce such dependencies.

> #  if defined( __GNUC__ )
> #     define HB_THREAD_SELF()    ( ( TID ) _gettid() )
> #  else
> // case for OpenWatcom
> //   Use something like
>   #include <stddef.h>       <---- David was here !
>    tid = *_threadid;         <---- David was here !
> int vs ULONG ?
> In the 32-bit libraries,  _threadid is a function that returns a pointer
> to an int
> #  else
> //discard
> #     define HB_THREAD_SELF()    ( ( TID ) _hb_gettid() )
> #  endif
> -----------
> And in this case ( thread ID ) what is happening/using in Windows
> OpenWatcom ? It can be used in OS/2 Watcom ?

Yes. If you want to use it it's enough to make:

#  if defined( __GNUC__ )
#     define HB_THREAD_SELF()    ( ( TID ) _gettid() )
#  elif defined( __WATCOMC__ )
#     define HB_THREAD_SELF()    ( ( TID ) ( * _threadid ) )
#  else
#     define HB_THREAD_SELF()    ( ( TID ) _hb_gettid() )
#  endif

I do not know the cost of calling DosGetInfoBlocks() in OS2.
It's highly possible that using OW _threadid will be much
more faster. In such case we should commit above modification.
Anyhow we should also keep _hb_gettid() because it may be usable
in the future if we will want to eliminate CRTL in thread API.

best regards,
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