On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, David Arturo Macias Corona wrote:

Hi David,
> Przemek:
> any comments ?

Thanks for the example but it does not help us in the problem we have.

> I found in documentation included in OW a sample for multithreading
> Entirely page is below
> Przemek, can you check page ?
> They talk about DosEnterCritSec() and DosExitCritSec() to prevent
> collisions between threads

They are used to protect access to static variable used in this example
but it's not related to OW thread creation code.
BTW Using DosEnterCritSec() for such protection is not good idea.
This function in OS2 makes different thing then in EnterCriticalSection()
in Windows. It stops _ALL_ other threads. So it can be used in such
example but it's not good synchronization method for MT programs if
you do not want to kill scalability. Anyhow it's not bound with
the KBD problem.

>      [C:\]wcl386 -bt=os2 -bm -l=os2v2 mthread

You can make some experiments with -bt swich and use explicitly
os2v2 or os2v2_pm.
I do not know the exact internal dependencies between above and
using OS2 API in 16bit subsytems like keyboard drivers.

best regards,
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