Hi Viktor,

Sorry to jump in mid-stream, but my understanding is that the Windows-1252 codepage would be required for backwards DOS/Cl*pper compatibility - Is that not true?


At 01:14 PM 11/6/2008, you wrote:

IANA assigns _names_.

This only means that this object what is the non-official
codepage created by Microsoft, has a standard name
"Windows-1252" (and not "Win-1252", or "Win1252"). It
also assures that this name won't be assigned for other

Such names can be used in certain internal protocol.

That's all. The underlying codepage itself, while
probably something everyone knows, still isn't an
officially accepted codepage.

[ BTW, I noted this fact in one of my messages. ]


On 2008.11.06., at 19:07, Miguel Angel Marchuet wrote:

Please read this page:


seem Windows-1252 is aproved too by iana (Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA))

What more do you need ?

Best regards
Miguel Angel Marchuet

Szakáts Viktor escribió:


"Code page name" are to "Char Set" as you see some times are
confused by the alias name, any people can think incorrectly
that iso-8859-1 is the same than windows-1252 but are real
different Char Set
Yes, exactly. Very important that ISO-8859-1 is an official
standard, while Windows-1252 is not. They are similar, but
not the same. I'd think we should encourage everyone to use
the ISO standards for best portability.

read MSDN please

I better like to get generic information from higher
level sources. I read MSDN when I'd like to know something
about the Windows API, MSVC, C#, you name it.

Windows-1252 is the standard used at windows application.

Exactly, so it's not a standard by my definition.

In my terms "standard" means something standardized
by an official standardization organization, and the
standard being applied/applicable in a wide-range of
products from different vendors. Lacking this,
"Windows-1252" like above is nothing more than a convention
used by a specific product / company, Windows/Microsoft
in this case.

Harbour is multiplatform, so I suggest others to
endorse this kind of approach in context of this project.

[ For Windows-only projects (which this isn't), this
can be regarded as _the_ "standard" or "quasi-standard",
and above lamentation is academic. ]

[ BTW, this is one of the areas where Windows/MS did
a terrible disservice to the world by introducing / forcing
such hacked, proprietary "standards" on them. ]

ISO-8859-1 is the standard used at Linux and html application,
but have a lot of synonyms on different Linux platform. I use it on
my php applications.

Being used by Linux and 'html applications' is a
consequence of being an official standard, as open
source vendors (but not just them) generally prefer
these over proprietary ones. It's by no means
a "Linux/html standard". It has been standardized
by ISO (as Organization), hence the name.


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