Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> I wouldn't make it overly complicated, as I wrote in
> one of the mails, probably an IDLE, NORMAL, HIGHER
> level would be enough. Of course there is the task
> to tune these to give similar "feels" under different
> OSes, which may be a bit of a problem, at least for
> HIGHER. IDLE is similar on all platform. I'd rather

I agree.

> not implement TIMECRITICAL on the .prg level though.
> Harbour isn't a low level language, and with this
> level, it's easy to mess things up, even unintentionally.
It is just the way the class above regular is called on OS/2 (where every
class has 15 subclasses, so it was just a name I was familiar with and not
something related to real-time processing); every other name is fine as long
as such a thread has more priority than a standard one. :)

Best regads.


|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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