Przemyslaw Czerpak wrote:
> In the moment when you run thread with higher then normal priority
> you can kill multitasking. To make it weel you have to know what

Ok, this goes to the programmer responsability, I can kill a system in a lot
of ways as soon as I start writing something :)

> exactly priority modification will cause. There are three main
> settings which change thread priority:
>    1. The frequency of giving CPU time
>    2. The length of periods with CPU time
>    3. The priority in critical sections

And to hide this complexity we create some high level definitions, that simply
guarantee to the harbour programmer that a higher priority will get more
'power' from the system. It will be his/her care to be sure that his/her
program is not killing the receiving OS.

> Harbour API which will hide differences between OSes. Only IDLE
> priority can have the same meaning in all OSes. Other will introduce
> some more or less important differences.
Ok, so let's say we have PRI_IDLE, but as soon as we can go down a step we
need a way to go up a step to return to the regular class of priority and so
we have PRI_REGULAR.

Now, we could stop here and, as you say, this could cover 99% of all needs. I
say that we could have a third level, which is PRI_TIMECRITICAL (or any other
name) which gives a boost over PRI_REGULAR (for those cases... let's say a
thread to read a serial port).

I think that such a three levels system would be ok for every real need (apart
from some fancy cases, which can be solved by each programmer writing some C



> best regards,
> Przemek
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