Hi Phil,

Also, the dailies would IMO better be named as

Great, I've modified the homepage to have all
three, with the new names.

Here is a small patch to avoid the internal
'co' directory in the source archives:

cd /var/www/vhosts/harbour-project.org/httpdocs/co

echo Create tarball of Repository Backup
echo BZip
rm -f harbour-nightly.temp.bz2
tar --use-compress-prog=bzip2 -cf harbour-nightly.temp.bz2 harbour/
rm -f harbour-nightly.4.bz2
mv harbour-nightly.3.bz2 harbour-nightly.4.bz2
mv harbour-nightly.2.bz2 harbour-nightly.3.bz2
mv harbour-nightly.1.bz2 harbour-nightly.2.bz2
mv harbour-nightly.bz2 harbour-nightly.1.bz2
mv harbour-nightly.temp.bz2 harbour-nightly.bz2

echo Tarball
rm -f harbour-nightly.temp.tgz
tar -czf harbour-nightly.temp.tgz harbour/
rm -f harbour-nightly.4.tgz
mv harbour-nightly.3.tgz harbour-nightly.4.tgz
mv harbour-nightly.2.tgz harbour-nightly.3.tgz
mv harbour-nightly.1.tgz harbour-nightly.2.tgz
mv harbour-nightly.tgz harbour-nightly.1.tgz
mv harbour-nightly.temp.tgz harbour-nightly.tgz

echo Zip
rm -f harbour-nightly.temp.zip
zip -r -q harbour-nightly.temp.zip harbour/
rm -f harbour-nightly.4.zip
mv harbour-nightly.3.zip harbour-nightly.4.zip
mv harbour-nightly.2.zip harbour-nightly.3.zip
mv harbour-nightly.1.zip harbour-nightly.2.zip
mv harbour-nightly.zip harbour-nightly.1.zip
mv harbour-nightly.temp.zip harbour-nightly.zip

chown harbour.psacln *


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