On Sunday 05 October 2008 09:34:01 pm Szakáts Viktor wrote:
> I don't feel like dealing with this problem on the daily
> maintenance level, just thought to mention it, maybe it can
> be fixed once and for all. We've also got site infection due
> to sniffed FTP passwords, so FTP is by no means safe.

That's why it's anonymous.Anonymous ftp is safe as long as it can't be used 
for both read and write. Passwords and FTP lack of security has been known 
for years. This server has been set this way now for at least 10 years and it 
hasn't caused any problem. Ilke I tell everyone that has a password, please 
don't use ftp. Use SCP. I did tell you that, right?

> BTW, daily snapshots are still very old. I'd think it'd be
> better to remove the links from the homepage, as it makes it
> look like Harbour development had stalled.
> Monthly and weekly SVN backups don't seem to work either,
> but that's less critical.

I tried to fix that the other day and didn't get it figured out. The jobs are 
running. They also don't do anything if I run them by hand, so I'll spend 
some time and get them going.

"Ninety percent of politicians give the other 10 percent a bad name." -- Henry 
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