On Fri, 03 Oct 2008, Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:

Hi Enrico,

>> To Windows users:
>> I'm very interested in MS-Windows results from real multi CPU machine.
>> Does anyone have such computer and can test it?
> Yes, I have an Intel Core 2 CPU 6320. Can you briefly summarize the steps 
> required to compile an MT program?

Nothing special. Build Harbour without any additional MT/ST switches.
You should have two HVM libraries. HVM.LIB and HVMMT.LIB
If you want to use threads then link your application with HVMMT
library instead of HVM. You are using BCC which also have separated
CRTL libraries for MT and ST mode so you will have to also link your
program with cw32mt.lib.

The final application created from speedtst.prg in MT mode can be
executed with optional parameter. If you use them then it will run
all tests in separated threads.

> And while you're at it:
> Harbour 1.1.0dev (Rev. 9539)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2008, http://www.harbour-project.org/
> SPEEDTST.prg(63) Error E0003  Duplicate variable declaration 'M_C'
> SPEEDTST.prg(507) Warning W0003  Variable 'X' declared but not used in 
> function 'F0(504)'
> SPEEDTST.prg(513) Warning W0003  Variable 'S' declared but not used in 
> function 'F2(510)'

I've just committed modified version.
Please try.

best regards,
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