
Sorry, I was not clear enough, on OS/2 threads are numerated like this,
xbase++ was born on OS/2 and probably mutuated such numbering from the OS.

Best regards.


Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> Maurilio
> <<<<
> Because I'm used to use a thread id which is a number, this is the way it
> works on OS/2 and xbase++ on win32 and I did not find something similar in
> current code.
> Perhaps you are misunderstood of Xbase++ thread implementation.
> ThreadID() function in Xbase++ always returns the numeric consecutive id
> number incremented by TThread() object. It has nothing to do with
> OS specific thread identification. To get OS specific information you 
> need to call ThreadInfo() function with required parameters, which
> again is a function equivalent of TThread() objects instance variables.
> Przemek is right. When he will implement TThread() object, you will be 
> able to get both informations as you may need, perhaps even more,
> ThreadID() - as a number, ThreadOSID() as a number as PID,
> ThreadPTR() - thread as a pointer OR ThreadObject() as an object
> controlling the current thread.
> Regards
> Pritpal Bedi

|  |  | |__| Maurilio Longo
|_|_|_|____| farmaconsult s.r.l.

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