Hi Przemek,
JLC>> I really appreciate some solution or ideas to control the 
JLC>GPFs on the 
JLC>> Pocket PC.
JLC>> Without the GPFs control working, Harbour on Pocket PC should be 
JLC>> unusable :-(
JLC>I do not understand why you want to generate an exception 
JLC>and how is it related to Harbour.

Maybe I didn't explain me clearly.  I don't want to generate an exeception
but catch it.

JLC>What do you want to do and why?

What I want to do is to catch exceptions in any way... because executing a
programa under Wince that generates a GPF doesn't terminate program.

JLC>If there is no hardware support then you will not make it 
JLC>in such way. You can only try to generate it explicitly by 
JLC>_throw_ if used C compilers supports it.

How ?  An example can help me a lot.

Many thanks for your help.
José Luis Capel

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