On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, José Luis Capel  wrote:

Hi Jose,

> I really appreciate some solution or ideas to control the GPFs on the Pocket
> PC. 
> Without the GPFs control working, Harbour on Pocket PC should be unusable
> :-(

I do not understand why you want to generate an exception and
how is it related to Harbour.
What do you want to do and why?

> I am sorry for strissing you up with this matter... but I am not a C expert
> and I am lost.

If there is no hardware support then you will not make it in such
way. You can only try to generate it explicitly by _throw_ if used
C compilers supports it.

> Nobody here is using Harbour on the Pocket PC?

I do not know and I do not know why simulating bugs in
low level code can help in using Harbour on any platform.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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