----- Original Message -----
From: "Szakáts Viktor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harbour Project Main Developer List." <harbour@harbour-project.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Harbour] hbmake
Hi Bill,
Can you send me a patch for the current version
of hbmake, with your fixes?
Hi Viktor,
I never patched hbmake, only hbdoc and the fixes for hbdoc were for
DOS/Windows only tools which are fairly limited in scope. I was hoping that
someone would have answered your request in Dec for input about using a more
modern documentor such as robodoc or natural doc.
I thought about adding a module to hbdoc to produce robodoc files. However,
when I looked at the document files, their format and quality was
inconsistent. Some of the better docs didn't have any of the tags that hbdoc
used. For example, none of the text files in \harbour\doc\ have the $tag$
format and they contain quite useful information. Most, but not all, of the
text files in the en/ and es/ directories have $tag$ formats. To a lesser
extent, the same is true of the .prg and .c files.
Some of the files have no more than the following information. This isn't in
the standard hbdoc format and while my changes handled this OK; it's of very
limited use.
* $Doc$
* $Description$ Debug function tests.
* Based on classes.prg
* $Requirement$ source\tools\stringp.prg
* source\rtl\objfunc.prg
* source\rtl\asort.prg
* $End$
Because of these little problems, I loaded the windows version of the groff
document processing packages and looked at the old macros I used to use with
UNIX System V. Those macros (man, me, ms, mm) seem pretty dated to me now.
Even the new mom macro didn't seem to produce much improvement without a lot
of effort. No wonder xHarbour had such a cost overrun with their manual
produced by Dr. Ziegler.
As it stands, your idea of moving hbdoc and hbmake out of the main stream
may be best. I might be able to make some small improvements in hbdoc and
hbmake, but I'm quite novice compared to the harbour developers.
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