Hi Bill,

That's good because I just downloaded and installed the stable release. Unfortunately it has the original error about the renamed files. Trying to use the stable release & debugger gives:

Yes, hbmake and hbdoc are the "black sheeps" in the
Harbour distro. No one is using them from the core
contributors and no one reported any problems with
them before the release either (this bug was there
since about 6 months), so such may happen :(

Exactly for the above reasons these tools almost
didn't even make it into the final release, and
I just feel more and more compelled to move them to
/contrib/examples/ or /contrib/utils/. They have new
separate make files (bld_*.bat in the local dirs),
so anyone (with BCC or MSVC) can easily build them
now separately.

[ Even hbdoc has most of those file reading problems
that you've mentioned before. Also, hbdoc has a very
difficult time with non-Windows/DOS systems, and
these tools are generally unsupported even in xhb.
hbmake doesn't work if HB_COMPAT_C53 is turned off,
the code quality is below Harbour standard, and so
on and so on. ]

Pls try again with current SVN, if the 'open' crash


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