On Wed, 23 Jul 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

> 1) Re-reading the docs now, it seems that there is at least one place
> where your new method to cache strings is needed regardless of libcurl
> version: curl_formadd() with CURLFORM_COPYNAME. The docs says we should
> copy the string. So this might have been a pending bug in hbcurl.

So I'll change this code and hashing will be enabled for
all builds but in CURL >= 7.17 only for this function.

> 2) curl_slist_append() does copy the string, so we don't need to deal
> with it, at least as per the latest docs on the website.

OK, I'll remove hashing from this function.

BTW this code can be greatly optimized when we add
hb_item{Read,Write}LockCPtr() functions because we
will not have to make string copy. I'll introduce
such functions after 1.0.

best regards,

ps. I hope I had good holidays.
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