
>Any reasons?

Sure. I do not have time neither a will to change the way 
I am been working all those years just to change something
which is working harmless.

If you link in gtgui.lib, and choose it either with
//gtgui, or by ANNOUNCE-ing HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT in your
code, you'll get an application with no window at all,
not even visible in <Alt+Tab>, but the .exe is still
running fine. This seems to be the exact same effect
as HB_NOSTARTUPWINDOW, but done the "official" way,
without additional hacks.

HB_NOSTARTUPWINDOW simulates exactly the same what you described.
I do not find any point to grasp difference in "official" and "hack"
terminology, especially in this regard. Do it harm any of the Harbour
distribution ?

Pritpal Bedi
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