
> cName := "Bond"; cCity := "Tokyo"
> _SPD( "Hi, I'm %#01s from %#02s.", cName, cCity ) -> "Hi, I'm Bond from Tokyo" > _SPD( "Hi, I'm from %#02s, my name is %#01s.", cName, cCity ) -> "Hi, I'm from Tokyo, my name is Bond"

This is TO DO, do you want do it?
My problem is that I have limited time, as we all suppose. :)

ANSI C99 can explicitly specify what argument is taken at each place where it is needed an argument, writing %m$ instead of % and *m$ instead of %, where the entire decimal m denotes position in the argument list of desired argument, starting with 1. Therefore, printf("%*d", width, num); and printf("%2$*1$d", width, num); are equivalent. The second style allows repeated references to the same argument. The standard C99 does not allow mixing both styles.
ANSI C99 se puede especificar explícitamente qué argumento se toma, en cada lugar donde se necesite un argumento, escribiendo `%m$' en lugar de `%' y `*m$' en lugar de `*', donde el entero decimal m denota la posición en la lista de argumentos del argumento deseado, empezando por 1. Por tanto, printf("%*d", width, num); y printf("%2$*1$d", width, num); son equivalentes. El segundo estilo permite referencias repetidas al mismo argumento. El estándar C99 no permite mezclar ambos estilos.
In my case, the necessity of the function is mount SQL sentences in the same way that in C with some help. New functionality or improvements in benefits are welcome: this is Open Source. About the name I think it should be the Harbour's community who name, _SPD is just the name that I have given.

Best regards

Szakáts Viktor escribió:
Hi Javier,

One more thing (well two).

IMO to make this function more universal and even easier
to use and update (and usable for someone needing it for
translated text formatting), I think it would very
nice if there would be a possibility to specify the
_ordinals_ of those format strings:

cName := "Bond"; cCity := "Tokyo"
_SPD( "Hi, I'm %#01s from %#02s.", cName, cCity ) -> "Hi, I'm Bond from Tokyo" _SPD( "Hi, I'm from %#02s, my name is %#01s.", cName, cCity ) -> "Hi, I'm from Tokyo, my name is Bond"

[ I seem to recall there is a standard way to achieve this
in printf(), but I didn't find any specifics, so I might be
wrong. ]

To bring this to another level - but this is even more
out of scope of this one function -, it would be great
to have something where you can replace _named_ strings:

_FILL( "INSERT INTO stuff ( stuff_ID, stuff_Name ) VALUES ( %stuff_ID%, %stuff_Name% )",;
   { "stuff_ID" => cStuff_ID, "stuff_Name" => cStuff_Name } )

(or something along this line)

This could be useful for a number of purposes. Basically
a light form of template engine. Maybe it would be best
to mimic some existing standards for the format strings.

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