Overall I'm not a big fan of copying foreign projects
into Harbour (or to any projects whatsoever),
as there are plenty of thing to do anyway, and I'm not
sure there's enough capacity here to waste on updating
those foreign projects inside the Harbour tree, fixing
every warnings again and again, maintaining a parallel
universe of make files, doing all the support for foreign
lib build problems here. Shortly: This scales very badly
(and there are some more bad side effects too)

This route should only be chosen IMO for libs which are
mature enough and essential enough (for the core!) to
justify and lessen the above drawbacks. That's why
Harbour has only PCRE (which is in fact a pain to update,
I still didn't find time to do it, and maybe I won't
unless we don't make it easier), and ZLIB in the future.
Both are essential, PCRE is less mature in the sense
that it's getting frequent updates, ZLIB is even very
stable in this regard.

[ NOTE: instead of fixing compiler warnings and
portability problems here, I think it would be much
better to send those patches directly to the maintainers
of the appropriate libs. They may even be happy about
it, and we've solved to problem once and for all. ]

But, using static libs is much more elegant than
.dlls, so, instead of copying them into Harbour,
I'd rather go the route, where we provide some scripts
and/or _guidelines_ to make this process easy for everyone.
After all, all it takes to make a static lib is using
a "full" .lib instead of the .dll stub .lib we already
got used to.

Some things to take care of:
1) successful build of foreign lib using the same
   compiler as we use for Harbour.
2) using the same calling convention.
3) ...please extend...

I got stuck at 2) yesterday with libharu + hbhpdf, and
I'd still be interested in some clues to proceed.


On 2008.05.19., at 14:52, Massimo Belgrano wrote:

Seem that andi have already done?

From: Andi Jahja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xharbour port for LibHaru PDF creation library is ready
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.xharbour.devel
Date: 2008-05-19 11:57:28 GMT (51 minutes ago)


I'll soon upload a stand-alone harupdf.lib which do not require
downloads of foreign libs. I'll upload whole libharu and png libs
AS IS plus wrappers borrowed from Harbour. Fortunately we have had ZLIB

Any objection?

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Przemyslaw Czerpak
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 1:44 PM
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: [Harbour] 2008-05-17 18:45 UTC+0800 Pritpal Bedi([EMAIL PROTECTED])

On Sun, 18 May 2008, Szakáts Viktor wrote:

Hi Viktor,

There is still left the exercise to create standalone
static lib from libharu+zlib+libpng. I think first we
should incorporate zlib into Harbour core, and progress
with the rest afterwards.

I've adopted ZLIB to Harbour some time ago. I can send you
this version if you are interested.

best regards,
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