2008-04-24 21:23 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar hu) * common.mak * make_vcce.mak * make_b32.mak * make_gcc.mak * make_vc.mak * utils/hbdoc/Makefile * utils/hbdoc/hbdoc.prg * utils/hbdoc/genpdf1.prg - Removed pdflib references from make file, since the contrib was not working and got removed. + PDF enabling logic in HBDOC made local to HBDOC. Now HBDOC_PDF should be #defined in HARBOURFLAGS (or PRG_USR) envvar, proper pdf library should be specified using LDFLAGS envvar.
* contrib/mtpl_b32.mak ! Removed permanent '-P' C compiler switch from .prg -> .c rule. Thanks Rafa. Marek pls check me. -- Brgds, Viktor _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour