Hi David,

 >2008-02-06 11:08 UTC+0100 Marek Paliwoda (mpaliwoda at interia pl)
 >   * harbour/common.mak
 >   * harbour/make_gcc.mak
 >   * harbour/make_gcc.sh
> ! Some fixes for OS/2+eComStation. Still not all is working ok >(dlls)

Can you explain what is not working ?
What versions are you using ( OS/2, gcc, make, ... )

Well, truely speaking I do not use OS/2 :). I simply had
a chance to access an OS/2 system on my friend's computer.
He bought OS/2 long ago (he says he payed too much for it
;-)) and still has an old machine running OS/2 - because
of a sentiment - I guess for the money he payed ;-).
I don't know the OS/2 version - I didn't check it (in fact
I wouldn't even know how to check this).

I installed eComStation build environment dated 2007/10/22
which has gcc 3.3.5, make 3.81, bash 2.0.0.

It didn't work unfortunately - so I had to install something
which is called EMX - I found one on a net - version 0.9c ??.

The main disapointment was bash. It does not support ==,&&,||
operators. The second disapointment was ld. It requires that
-o option has to have a space before the following file name.
And the third disapointment was ld again. It does not support
-Wl,--start-group,-Wl,--end-group options. I didn't want to
fight with a proper libraries order, so I used a dirty hack
to solve this problem, to succesfully compile static version
of harbour. For some strange reason gtcrs did not compile ok
because of undefined TIOCGWINSZ. I had a similar problem with
DJGPP and gtpca, but here it was a problem with some disabled
features in DJGPP header files. I didn't have time to carefully
check the real problem, so I simply disabled gtcrs compilation.

Still harbour.dll does not link ok. The linker says something
like "exebind failed ...". I completly do not know what is it
talking about ;-).

I know you will not agree with me :), but I don't think it is
worth the efforts to keep harbour compatible with OS/2. It is
a dead system - IBM confirmed this lately - and those using it
have now many new possibilities to migrate to newer systems.

But that's my opinion only and I don't want to argue about it :).



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