Hi Jacek,
thank you for your reply.
I've seen the Clipper 5.2 book and I've seen that example you talked about.
I'll check the Clipper Application and I'll test if on Clipper 5.2 there a
kind of bug.
Thank you again
Hello maxsoft,
Thursday, January 10, 2008, 9:17:36 AM, you wrote:
m> ASCAN Clipper function is not Case Sensitive.
m> Harbour ASCAN function is case sensitive.
As far I remember ASCAN is case sensivite in Clipper too
from CA-Clipper 5.3 NG:
This example demonstrates scanning a three-element array using
simple values and a code block as search criteria. The code
criteria shows how to perform a case-insensitive search:
aArray := { "Tom", "Mary", "Sue" }
? ASCAN(aArray, "Mary") // Result: 2
? ASCAN(aArray, "mary") // Result: 0
? ASCAN(aArray, { |x| UPPER(x) ;
== "MARY" }) // Result: 2
m> Exist a compiler directive to make string NO CASE SENSITIVE?
AFAIK - no (but I`m not 100% sure with it ;-) )
But if you need you can use codeblock as in sample (from NG)
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