Hello maxsoft,

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 9:17:36 AM, you wrote:

m> ASCAN Clipper function is not Case Sensitive.
m> Harbour ASCAN function is case sensitive.

As far I remember ASCAN is case sensivite in Clipper too

from CA-Clipper 5.3 NG:

       This example demonstrates scanning a three-element array using
        simple values and a code block as search criteria.  The code block
        criteria shows how to perform a case-insensitive search:

        aArray := { "Tom", "Mary", "Sue" }
        ? ASCAN(aArray, "Mary")               // Result: 2
        ? ASCAN(aArray, "mary")               // Result: 0
        ? ASCAN(aArray, { |x| UPPER(x) ;
              == "MARY" })                    // Result: 2

m> Exist a compiler directive to make string NO CASE SENSITIVE?

AFAIK - no (but I`m not 100% sure with it ;-) )

But if you need you can use codeblock as in sample (from NG)

Best regards,
 Jacek Kubica

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