On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Phil Barnett wrote:
> > I only want to know what modifications plan to add other developers
> > and I'll sync beta branch.
> I know you think it's necessary but every time you include new code into a 
> beta, the process starts over. Instead of grooming the code base to a point 
> where it can be released, it just starts over as if no beta process has begun 
> yet.

AFAIR I was the only one person who made modifications in beta branch and
from BETA3 I haven't made any fixes in BETA branch. Only some syncing with
DEVEL were done. If we exclude them then nothing has been changed since
last release.

> We must stop adding new code or it will never be released because the beta 
> cycle will never end. Beta means NO NEW CODE. BUG FIXES ONLY.

The problem is that I have to stop working on DEVEL branch too because
you will not find many users interested in using BETA branch and reporting
problems. Nearly everybody are using now DEVEL branch. But I like the idea
of reducing activity in devel branch. I have very limited spare time recently.
I'm not even able to replay for all messages I'm receiving about [x]Harbour -
in last weeks I do not have time to answer for most of them. The release
freeze state will be very good for me. Of course there is a lot of things
we can do in core code yet but if we start them then it will take a lot of
time to finish. The only one thing which seems to be really important is
fixed BROWSE class.

> Please, everyone, hold your new code and new ideas until we get 1.0 out the 
> door. Then you can go crazy.

Believe me that I was dropping many ideas waiting for 1.0. I didn't want
to start them because it would delay 1.0 release reducing number of people
interesting in BETA process.
My advice: let's mark current DEVEL code as BETA4 and then RC1, RC2, ...
in two weeks periods and release 1.0.

best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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