Un amigo de aca de santa marta, varadero compartio conmigo un script para activar el cbpolicid y en conjunto con esta tuto http://www.cfg.jovenclub.cu/gulcf/?p=2347 ya solucione el problema, aqui les dejo el script para los interesados, ha y funciona en 8.6

# Date
waktu=`date +%y%m%d%H%M%S`

# Create Folder Backup

# Create directory if not exist
if [ ! -d $lokasibackup ]; then
        mkdir -p $lokasibackup

chmod 775 $lokasibackup
chgrp zimbra $lokasibackup

echo -e "##########################################################################" echo -e "# Script Automatic Configure PolicyD #" echo -e "# Rate Limit Sending Message & Reject Unlisted Domain #" echo -e "# Ahmad Imanudin - http://www.imanudin.net #" echo -e "# If any question, please feel free to contact us at below #" echo -e "# Contact at ah...@imanudin.com #"
echo -e "# i...@imanudin.net                        #"
echo -e "##########################################################################"
echo ""

# /* Variable for bold */
ibold="\033[1m""\n===> "

namaserver=`su - zimbra -c "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmhostname"`;

echo -n "Type your domain. Example imanudin.net : "
echo ""

# Install and enabling PolicyD

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Install and Enabling PolicyD"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "su - zimbra"
echo -e "zmprov ms $namaserver +zimbraServiceInstalled cbpolicyd +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd" echo -e "zmprov mcf +zimbraMtaRestriction 'check_policy_service inet:'" echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter"
read presskey
echo -e $ibold"Please wait a moment for process"$ebold
echo ""

su - zimbra -c "zmprov ms $namaserver +zimbraServiceInstalled cbpolicyd +zimbraServiceEnabled cbpolicyd" su - zimbra -c "zmprov mcf +zimbraMtaRestriction 'check_policy_service inet:'"

# Activating Modules PolicyD

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Activating Modules PolicyD"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "zmprov ms $namaserver zimbraCBPolicydQuotasEnabled TRUE"
echo -e "zmprov ms $namaserver zimbraCBPolicydAccessControlEnabled TRUE"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter"
read presskey

su - zimbra -c "zmprov ms $namaserver zimbraCBPolicydQuotasEnabled TRUE"
su - zimbra -c "zmprov ms $namaserver zimbraCBPolicydAccessControlEnabled TRUE"

# Activating WebUI PolicyD

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Activating WebUI PolicyD"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "cd /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs/ && ln -s ../../cbpolicyd/share/webui"
echo -e "vi /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter for activating WebUI PolicyD"
read presskey

cd /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs/ && ln -s ../../cbpolicyd/share/webui
cp /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php $lokasibackup/config.php-$waktu sed -i s/'$DB_DSN'/'#$DB_DSN'/g /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php sed -i '/DB_USER/i $DB_DSN="sqlite:/opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb";' /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/includes/config.php

# Protecting PolicyD Web Admin

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Protect access PolicyD Web Administration"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "cd /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui"
echo -e "touch .htaccess"
echo -e "echo 'AuthUserFile /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htpasswd' > .htaccess"
echo -e "echo 'AuthGroupFile /dev/null' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo 'AuthName User and Password' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo 'AuthType Basic' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo '' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo '<LIMIT GET>' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo 'require valid-user' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "echo '</LIMIT>' >> .htaccess"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter to protect access PolicyD Web Administration"
read presskey

cd /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/
touch .htaccess
echo 'AuthUserFile /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htpasswd' > /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess echo 'AuthGroupFile /dev/null' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess echo 'AuthName "User and Password"' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess
echo 'AuthType Basic' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess
echo '' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess
echo '<LIMIT GET>' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess
echo 'require valid-user' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess
echo '</LIMIT>' >> /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htaccess

# Create Username + Password PolicyD Web Admin

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Create Username + Password PolicyD Web Admin"$ebold
echo ""
echo -n "Type Username PolicyD Web Admin, example cbpadmin : "

echo -n "Type password for $USERNAME : "

/opt/zimbra/httpd/bin/htpasswd -cb .htpasswd $USERNAME $PASSWORD

# Edit configure Apache Zimbra

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Edit configure Apache Zimbra"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "cp /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf $lokasibackup"
echo -e "echo 'Alias /webui /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf" echo -e "echo '<Directory /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/>' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf"
echo -e "echo 'AllowOverride AuthConfig' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf"
echo -e "echo 'Order Deny,Allow' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf"
echo -e "echo 'Allow from all' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf"
echo -e "echo '</Directory>' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter"
read presskey

cp /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf $lokasibackup
echo 'Alias /webui /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf echo '<Directory /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/>' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
echo 'AllowOverride AuthConfig' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
echo 'Order Deny,Allow' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
echo 'Allow from all' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf
echo '</Directory>' >> /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf

# Restart Service Zimbra and Apache Zimbra

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Restart Service Zimbra"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Press key Enter for Restarting Service Zimbra"
read presskey

su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol restart"
su - zimbra -c "zmapachectl restart"

# Inject Sqlite Database

echo -e $ibold"[*] INFO : Configuring Rate Limit Sending Message and Reject Unlisted Domain"$ebold
echo ""
echo "Manual Process"
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -e "touch /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "policy_groups" where id=100;' > /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'delete from "policy_group_members" where id=100;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "policies" where id=100;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "policy_members" where id=100;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'delete from "access_control" where id=100;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "policies" where id=101;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "policy_members" where id=101;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'delete from "policy_members" where id=102;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "quotas" where id=101;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql"
echo -e "echo 'delete from "quotas_limits" where id=101;' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policy_groups" values(100,'list_domain',0,0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policy_group_members" values(100,100,'@$DOMAIN',0,0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policies" values(100,'Reject Unlisted Domain',20,'Reject Unlisted Domain',0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policy_members" values(100,100,'!%list_domain','!%list_domain',0,0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "access_control" values(100,100,'Reject Unlisted Domain','REJECT','Sorry, you are not authorized to sending email','Reject Unlisted Domain',0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policies" values(101,'Rate Limit Sending Message',21,'Rate Limit Sending Message',0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policy_members" values(101,101,'%list_domain','!%list_domain',0,0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "policy_members" values(102,101,'!%list_domain','any',0,0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "quotas" values(101,101,'Rate Limit Sending Message','Sender:user@domain',3600,'DEFER','Max sending email have been full at last 3600s',0,'Rate Limit Sending Message',0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e "echo 'insert into "quotas_limits" values(101,101,'MessageCount',300,'Rate Limit',0);' >> /tmp/policyd.sql" echo -e 'su - zimbra -c "sqlite3 /opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb < /tmp/policyd.sql"'
echo -e 'su - zimbra -c "zmcbpolicydctl restart"'
echo -e "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Press key Enter for configure"
read presskey

touch /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policy_groups' where id=100;" > /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policy_group_members' where id=100;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policies' where id=100;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policy_members' where id=100;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'access_control' where id=100;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policies' where id=101;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policy_members' where id=101;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'policy_members' where id=102;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'quotas' where id=101;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "delete from 'quotas_limits' where id=101;" >> /tmp/policyd.sql
echo "insert into 'policy_groups' values(100,'list_domain',0,0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policy_group_members' values(100,100,'@$DOMAIN',0,0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policies' values(100,'Reject Unlisted Domain',20,'Reject Unlisted Domain',0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policy_members' values(100,100,'!%list_domain','!%list_domain',0,0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'access_control' values(100,100,'Reject Unlisted Domain','REJECT','Sorry, you are not authorized to sending email','Reject Unlisted Domain',0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policies' values(101,'Rate Limit Sending Message',21,'Rate Limit Sending Message',0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policy_members' values(101,101,'%list_domain','!%list_domain',0,0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'policy_members' values(102,101,'!%list_domain','any',0,0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'quotas' values(101,101,'Rate Limit Sending Message','Sender:user@domain',3600,'DEFER','Max sending email has been full at last 3600s',0,'Rate Limit Sending Message',0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql echo "insert into 'quotas_limits' values(101,101,'MessageCount',300,'Rate Limit',0);" >> /tmp/policyd.sql su - zimbra -c "sqlite3 /opt/zimbra/data/cbpolicyd/db/cbpolicyd.sqlitedb < /tmp/policyd.sql"
su - zimbra -c "zmcbpolicydctl restart"

echo ""
echo "Configure PolicyD has been finished, please try to access via browser PolicyD WebUI on url http://$namaserver:7780/webui/index.php";

El 15/06/2015 a las 16:18, Manuel Mely escribió:

On 15.06.2015 20:40, Yuniesky Machado Rojas wrote:
hammm podrias pegarme el contenido de la web aqui es que no alcanzo al .com

Bueno realmente lo que estoy leyendo sucede en Zimbra 8.5.

Dime si a la salida del comando "postconf -m" tienes el tipo de tabla "texthash"

De ser asi, intenta cambiar hash por texthash en tu fichero de tablas. Ya de paso revisa si tiene hash, que no debe estar pues tu postfix esta requiriendo este tipo ahora mismo, seria muy raro que apareciera.

Por algun motivo ese zimbra no compilo el tipo de tabla hash.

Anyway, aqui te va la diferencia entre hash y texthash

An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on systems with support for Berkeley DB databases. Public database files are created with the postmap(1) or postalias(1) command, and private databases are maintained by Postfix daemons. The database name as used in "hash:table" is the database file name without the ".db" suffix.

 texthash (read-only)
A table that produces similar results as hash: files, except that you don't have to run the postmap(1) command before you can use the file, and that texthash: does not detect changes after the file is read. The lookup table name is "texthash:filename", where the file name is taken literally; no suffix is appended.

Seguire buscando si hay algun modo de que puedas usar hash, sin tener que recompilar postfix. Realmente nunca he utilizado zimbra.


Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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