Hi Efraim,

Efraim Flashner <efr...@flashner.co.il> skribis:

> The short version:
> * We need a tagged release so we can update the version in Debian and
>   other distros, in CI systems, etc.
> * We need a newer point-in-time for the installer.
> * A new release increases interest in the project.

Thanks a lot for getting the ball rolling!

One thing we discussed in Brussels is the need for more automation so
that pretty much anyone can make a release without having special
privileges and without spending an entire day building release

The main blocker is the two-step process with the ‘guix’ package update.
We briefly discussed the use of ‘current-guix’ as a way to bypass that.
(gnu services install) already uses it for the installer itself; the
next step would be to use it in the installed image and thus, possibly,
unconditionally.  The main reason why this is not done currently is that
it’s too expensive (equivalent to ‘guix pull’), but we could probably
address that.

I’m willing to give a hand in this area over the coming weeks.


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