Op 12-06-2023 om 03:17 schreef Maxim Cournoyer:
Hi Maxime,

Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> writes:

Op 02-06-2023 om 20:02 schreef Nicolas Graves:
A few months ago, Maxime Devos worked on a new rust-build-system to
handle a few issues we were experiencing with cargo (see discussions on
antioxidant in guix-devel).
A month ago, we discussed about the possibility of the integration
core guix, and the required steps. Maxime and I had a different
approach. Maxime highlighted the possibility to make a smooth transition
but once that would require many gradual changes and deprecation. My
approach was that since we'll have to eventually migrate all packages to
rust-build-system, and since we can freeze all former rust packages in
an archive channel, I would be clearer to make the transition at once.

Actually, I started out with the non-gradual approach, but that was
overruled by Ludo', IIRC.

Did you perhaps meant to say that it was disagreed with, or at worst
"blocked by"?

Yes. Overruling is a form of blocking, and blocking by authority (whether de facto or de jure) is overruling.

There should not be a notion of 'overruling' in our
contribution processes (unless the Guix co-maintainers have to step in
as a last resort) if all participants strive to build consensus, as
mentioned in info '(guix) Commit Access':

    It is expected from all contributors, and even more so from committers,
    to help build consensus and make decisions based on consensus.  To learn
    what consensus decision making means and understand its finer details,
    you are encouraged to read

I thought I knew what consensus meant myself, but the above link helped
me to re-frame a few things in a way that is more conducive to building

In my experience, Ludovic often doesn't actually practice that, though.
For example, the thread of the patch you sent at <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/51427> is a good example of this, pretty much everyone (except Ludo') agreed that the provided patch is good.

People pointed out how Ludo' multiple time missed the point of the patch. Yet, Ludo' kept missing the point, e.g. consider:

> [Liliana Marie prikler wrote on 18 jul 2022 19:03]
Am Montag, dem 18.07.2022 um 15:57 +0200 schrieb Ludovic Courtès:
Toggle quote (7 lines)

With commit 472a0e82a52a3d5d841e1dfad6b13e26082a5750 (Nov. 2021),
partially fixing <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/24937>, there is
hopefully less pressure to skip the remove-unused-links phase.

Should we close this issue?
As a hard disk user, I'm leaning towards "no".  In fact, I recently
encountered a case where I think I might want to skip it even if not
deleting "specific items".  [...

> [Ludovic]
I agree that we should strive to have good performance on that kind of
hardware too, but I don’t know how to get there.

That's what the patch is for:

> [Liliana]
> [...]
I agree that we should strive to have good performance on that kind
of hardware too, but I don’t know how to get there.
I don't think deleting links will ever be fast on that disk.  But what
I've been saying the whole time is that I don't always need the links
deleted.  I think adding "expert" switches to skip these phases might
actually be enough – after all, if I ever do want to run a full GC, the
information ought to be the same, no?

[A remainder by me that Ludovic is missing the point]
[...] The point isn't to work-around slow "deleting unused links" implementation, but rather to avoid inherit slowness of deleting everything when deleting a few things suffice [...]
> [...]
Apologies for being elliptic.  My point here, as has been discussed
earlier in this thread, is that we can’t just skip that phase or we’d
simply leave files around without actually deleting them.

As repeatedly explained in different ways previously, we can, in fact, just do this and these consequences are unproblematic. This is again explained in different ways in a response by Liliana and me.

Given that a few of the participants that wanted the patch in some form, are actually committers yet didn't commit it even though there was consensus, and that de facto Ludo' has authority and disagreed with the patch, the only conclusion I can draw from this, is that Ludo' effectively overruled the consensus with their (de facto) authority.

Whether this was intentional or not, the effect was the same.

(Technically ‘https://www.seedsforchange.org.uk/consensus#block’ allows for an unilateral block, but it later writes ‘However it provides a safety net for situations where a proposal would seriously hurt the group of people in it’, which doesn't apply at all here.)

This is not the antioxidant stuff, but it should serve as an explanation on why I do not believe that Ludovic practices consensus. There are also a few other examples/threads that look suspect to me, but they are very ambiguous/not clear-cut.


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  • rust-build-system... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
    • Re: rust-bui... Maxime Devos
      • Re: rust... Maxim Cournoyer
        • Re: ... Maxime Devos
          • ... Maxim Cournoyer
            • ... Maxime Devos
          • ... Ludovic Courtès
        • Re: ... Vagrant Cascadian
          • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
            • ... Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
              • ... Maxim Cournoyer

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