Good god, man. You spectacularly botched your original proposal. That should have been the end of it. Instead, we all have to suffer through your inability not to have the last word. Or indeed thousand words. That's cruel & unusual collective punishment, that is.
To protect you from further poor judgment, I've revoked your posting privileges to these lists. You're not being cancelled. The right to publish to every Guixer's inbox has always been based on whitelists of folks who could be trusted with it. You could still post, though I suggest you give it a rest. You'll just be queued with the spammers & the trolls & occasional new user -- alas, in that order :-) -- pending approval. Since I'll defer to a majority of maintainers for that, I don't imagine it will be swift. Kind regards, T G-R Sent on the go. Excuse or enjoy my brevity.