Hi Ludo,

On Fri, 29 Oct 2021 at 17:08, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:

> As zimoun wrote, a big question is formalization.  I haven’t yet taken
> the time to look at those other project RFC processes I mentioned, but
> we should do that.  Important questions are: how do we determine whether
> a change is important enough to be RFC-worthy?  How do we determine
> whether it’s accepted or withdrawn?  Perhaps that will unfold broader
> questions about structuring and decision-making.
> If anyone feels like giving a hand of this formalization effort, please
> feel empowered to do so!

I could volunteer for being part of the formalization effort.  However,
as I said elsewhere, this effort should start be collecting what do we
consider as changes requiring formal process?

For example, “guix shell” is one instance.  The recent “input label” is
another one.  Authentication another.  Without such list – even rough –
it seems hard to think about a process grounded on our past practises
for improving them and becoming applicable by our community – for what
my opinion is worth. :-)


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