On 2021-09-23 22:10, Ludovic Courtès wrote:

> Hi,
> Andrew Tropin <and...@trop.in> skribis:
>> However, ~(gnu home services ...)~ also looks cool, but it would be a
>> little inconsistent with system services, which will have one level of
>> nestiness less: ~(gnu services)~.
>> IMO, ~(gnu home services ...)~ would be a good choice if we use ~(gnu
>> system services)~ for system services.
> Regarding naming, I agree that what you propose would be more
> consistent, but we’re not going to rename Guix System modules just now.
> :-)
> So, from a purely cosmetic standpoint, I’d still prefer (gnu home
> services …) rather than (gnu home-services …).  It’s more consistent
> with the rest IMO.
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.

Ok, got the remark, will think on this topic a little more.

For now my personal ranking of the ideas is following:

1. Move to (gnu services ...) :: can(?) provide some additional reusability.
2. Keep as it is right now (gnu home-services ...) :: already works.
3. Move to (gnu home services ...) :: good stylistic change, but breaks
backward compatibility.

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