On 2021-09-16 03:05, Ryan Prior wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 at 8:47 AM, Andrew Tropin
>> People will be trying to use home services inside operating systems, and 
>> configuration record for system services inside home services.
> I think it will be a dismal design failure if we cannot make this just
> work the way people would expect. Why should we accept that a service
> which can be run as your user (a "home" service) cannot be run as the
> system, or vice versa?
> Perhaps there are some services that only make sense on the system
> (for example, I don't suppose a home service defining Linux kernel
> modules would be appropriate.) So for those corner cases perhaps we
> must allow marking home-only or system-only services, and make it an
> error to put one in the other's place. But isn't it the common case
> that a service declaration can be part of the home or the system, and
> this merely changes some details in how the thing is run and what
> fields are required for its configuration?
> Ryan

It's not technically possible with current service extension mechanism
to have a service, which can be used in both operating-system and
home-environment.  You can read more on possible improvements to
extension mechanism here:

However, currently it's just impossible without a huge (and probably
backward incompatible) refactoring of service extension mechanism and
perhaps all the services.

Even if it would be possible, still don't see too much cases, where the
system service is wanted to be used as home service and vice versa.

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